The Carlson Leadership Academy is an event that happens every year, and is a great opportunity for younger members, or any member seeking a position on the executive board, to improve their various position-related skills and meet other members of SigEp in similar situations. The conference was in Chicago, Illinois, where the attendees stayed two nights, along with alumni brother Robbie Gregg.
Alumni volunteers guided the boys through various lessons to help improve their overall leadership skills. Each member was guided through a different “track”, ranging from The Balanced Man Program, where members can learn about the general program that SigEp runs to improve its members, to VP Communications track, where the attendees are taught the basics of filling the role of being the Vice President of Communications.
All members walked away with some sort of knowledge gained. The fraternity’s leadership will be boosted as a whole, and some members may even find themselves returning to the academy next year.
If you would like to donate to the Carlson Leadership Academy fund to help the boys reach their goal of endowing the trip for future SigEp leaders to attend, you can donate at the following link:!/donation/checkout